Some of you may know, back in 2020 I removed my album “Ownership,” which was released under my other name “Ema” from all of the streaming platforms. It was a calculated “in times of COVID” decision to try and use all the down time to try and straighten out the digital rights/royalties cluster-fuck that resulted from years of same name confusion from multiple artists and a blunt digital rights tracking system that was (and really still is) ill-equipped to handle redundancies and nuanced information. But that’s a longer discussion for later…

The point is I will be re-releasing “Ownership” in its entirety a little later this summer. But as I’m preparing for that, I thought I’d go ahead and offer up a couple of tracks to sort of “prime the pump".

Given the frightening climate of militarism, re-emerging fascism and well, just plane old unbridled hatred of “others” that seems to be expanding at an alarming rate, I thought maybe a call for peace would be appropriate for the first release, and maybe a good tonic as well.

My anthemic call for peace “A Million Years” will be hitting all of the streaming platforms in about another week. Click on the pic below to add it to your “Peace” playlist and share it with your friends.

Sibiz’uxolo sonke thina…we call for peace, for all of us.

Thank you as always for supporting artist owned music and I wish us all a million years of peacetime.

Available on all streaming platforms and Bandcamp
